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Website where users can create, edit and share public wikis. Option for users to upgrade to a premium account to create private wikis. Users create an account with passport. Bcrypt is used to savely hash stored passwords. SendGrid sends a confirmation email to the user upon successful registration. After authenication, users can create, edit, and share their wikis. Stripe API is used to handle payments for users to upgrade to a premium account.
Technologies: Node.js, Express, PostgresSQL, Jasmine, Javascript, CSS, Bootstrap, Stripe, SendGrid
A Reddit-like site where users can create and edit posts on topics. Users create an account with passport. Bcrypt is used to savely hash stored passwords. After authenication, users can create, edit, and delete their posts. Users can favorite and add comments to posts.
Technologies: Node.js, Express, PostgresSQL, Jasmine, Javascript, CSS, Bootstrap
Bloc Chat chatroom application that allows users to talk about topics that interest them. Users must authenticate themselves with their Google Account. Firebase is used to handle authentication and database storage.
Technologies: React, Firebase, CSS, Bootstrap
An online music player that allows users to select and play music. This application was built with React. It renders a dynamically generated list of albums and songs. It properly manages components' props and state. HTML5 audio and event listeners are used to play audio files.
Technologies: React, JSX, CSS, Bootstrap
The Grocery List is a web application that allows users create and share grocery lists. To use The Grocery List, users must create a free account to view and create lists. The list show view page displays the grocery items that have been added to that list. Items can be checked off once users obtain those items. When finished shopping, the user can click "Delete Checked Items" to remove all purchased items from the list. The list is updated in real time by fetching the list data api from the PostgresSQL database every three seconds.
Technologies: Node.js, Express, EJS, PostgresSQL, Sequelize, Javascript, CSS, Bootstrap, and HTML
Mary Tutors Math is a single page website for a freelancing math tutor. The site was created with Node.js, Express, SendGrid, EJS, Javascript, CSS, HTML, and Bootstrap. The form input data is emailed to the math tutor via SendGrid.
Technologies: Node.js, Express, EJS, Javascript, CSS, Bootstrap, and HTML
RoboFriends is a simple, clean, and responsive React web application. Robot data is fetched from an api and then the map function is used to render each object's name, picture and email address. The search bar allows users to search for the names of the robots. State and props are properly managed with Redux throughout the application to utilize React's unidirectional data flow. The app is deployed using GitHub pages.
Technologies: React, Redux, Javascript, CSS, Bootstrap, Tachyons, GitHub Pages
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